WOW!!! I might be the worst blogger ever!!!! Well, it has been summer time and in our family that means FAMILY TIME!!! This is the part of the year where we spend EVERY minute together making up for the lost time during season! We had a great summer and did SO much!!! My little brother got married, Kelsey turned 3, Kailyn turned 1, Janson and I went on our first "get away" since our honeymoon, we had our 5 year anniversary and my hubby turned 30!!!! We have been so busy!! Life is back in Denton and FOOTBALL is officially here and in FULL swing! Yes, I have all the spare time in the world right now!!!! Well include a 3 year old and 1 year old in that!!! I def. have a much more postive outlook on this season considering what I went through last year.....a newborn (premature), colic, reflux, recovering c-section, kailyn going into hospital w/ RSV...need I go on so this season will be CAKE....God knows what he is doing by showing you what you CAN get through...haha....and he def. has a sense of humor!!!! Anyways Kelsey is about to start back at mothers day out next week and she is SO excited! She loves school. Kailyn and I will get those two days to spend one on one time!....and go grocery shopping! My inlaws are moving to Granbury next weekend so I am soooo excited to have family close by!!! An hour is nothing when I am use to 3 and 3 1/2 hours!!!! So I guess that is what I have been up to! am really going to try and stay up w/ this blogging thing...think my problem is, is that we "still" have dial up so it takes forever to do anything on my computer. yes, I know we are still living in the dark ages...anyways here are some of the latest pics of my angel bugs!!!