Monday, March 31, 2008
trying to find "cheap" airline tickets to vegas for janson and i for this summer. dates are very flexible but do not even know the first thing about where to look. can you tell we are very experianced travelers!!!! anyway if anyone has any advice please shoot it my way! thanks:)
Friday, March 28, 2008
just a thought.
Have you ever thought...
how interesting it is that the 'majority' of blog posts are about the beauty of their child, the joy of parenthood, how much you just love your husband, how wonderful life is, how very blessed we are, what a great day I had, how amazing this 'whatever' is, etc......not to be too depressing, but was talking with a friend today, yes...will leave your name out of this...haha...anyway we were talking about the picture perfect life that we want everyone to "think" we have. Not excluding me whatsoever...but the point is that it just saddens my heart. We are such pitiful, lame sinners that we need the constant pat on the back precious, or you look great, or whatever it is...We are all so broken and so "UNPERFECT" yet desire to proclaim that we are not and look good from the outside. Even as we were talking about this it revealed to me how worthless and undeserving I truely am. Why cant I be satisfied to know that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and that is sufficient ENOUGH!!! Stacy, cant you just get it!!! Anyway lets be 'real' for a change! We are broken and the picture perfect family or life DOES NOT exsist! Sorry to be depressing but the fantasy of perfection is just what it is... otherwise, we would not need Jesus....knowing you are enough is such a hard and undeserving concept to appreciate much less understand.
how interesting it is that the 'majority' of blog posts are about the beauty of their child, the joy of parenthood, how much you just love your husband, how wonderful life is, how very blessed we are, what a great day I had, how amazing this 'whatever' is, etc......not to be too depressing, but was talking with a friend today, yes...will leave your name out of this...haha...anyway we were talking about the picture perfect life that we want everyone to "think" we have. Not excluding me whatsoever...but the point is that it just saddens my heart. We are such pitiful, lame sinners that we need the constant pat on the back precious, or you look great, or whatever it is...We are all so broken and so "UNPERFECT" yet desire to proclaim that we are not and look good from the outside. Even as we were talking about this it revealed to me how worthless and undeserving I truely am. Why cant I be satisfied to know that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and that is sufficient ENOUGH!!! Stacy, cant you just get it!!! Anyway lets be 'real' for a change! We are broken and the picture perfect family or life DOES NOT exsist! Sorry to be depressing but the fantasy of perfection is just what it is... otherwise, we would not need Jesus....knowing you are enough is such a hard and undeserving concept to appreciate much less understand.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Happy Bday Sydney!!!!!

Well, not actually today but we celebrated Miss Sydneys bday this weekend. She will be officially ONE on Thursday, March 20!!!! precious niece is growing up toooo fast on me and I am way to far from her. We had a great weekend in Atown seeing lots of family, friends and making a trip to the AWESOME Abilene Zoo. Janson and I are back in Denton for some much needed one on one time! We have been eating out like crazy people but has been so relaxing...oh and I had a MUCH NEEDED pedicure yesterday. Has been a LONG while since I had one...bless the girl that gave it to me but my feet feel so awesome and must add look cute too!!! The count down has begun w/ Janson...3 weeks until District...which means his kids are suppose to "peak" at a certain time??? not sure about all of that but he is very much into this... He is at practice right now and am thinking the rain has to have a damper on that but he is persistent to get practice in! Anyways had to post a picture of the fam. and my precious niece!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
track, track, track
please pray that i can be more supportive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! picks of the snow from the other day...crazyness...we had over 7 inches!
Monday, March 3, 2008
too funny...
so after writing my last blog over my most precious little ones and how much i love being at home...i walk into the living room and kailyn is sitting in the Ivy plant that she had turned over onto the carpet and is now playing in all of the dirt....could not help but to laugh...thank goodness for my kirby!

The best job of all....being a mom! Many mornings I fail to remember or recognize the gifts that God has given me.... waking up to two little people staring at me; making cinnamon toast w/ NO CRUSTY, as Kelsey says; cuddling underneath the covers pretending we are hiding from the big bad wolf; the beautiful art work that they make for me...mostly being on the table or even wall; being asked EVERY morning if kelsey can wear her "short sleeved" sparkle shirt; kailyn's strong will to take food and drink into the living room...morning battle! No matter what each day brings I am so blessed to be at home and get to experiance all of the small gifts each day. Kailyn has always been my more independent one but lately she wants to crawl in bed with me and just cuddle. These moments w/ my girls are so precious!!! just had to share!
Speaking of....this leads me to update the blogging world. We are in full force track season. It is going good. Jansons varsity and jv both got first this weekend so he was in full smiles until recognizing that Guyers mile relay has the fastest time in the state. They will be facing them in district. With all of this on Jansons mind and the pressure of winning district he has been slightly absent minded of the family which brings me to my next point. We have been praying about this and kind of makes us laugh at even the thought of me going back to work. Yes I will be working next year....AT HOME!!! We some how thought that it would all work itself out "we would work it out, minus God..." God quickly reminded us of how much "work" family, marriage, friendships, children, our house all entails! We, personally, could not have me working outside of the home and have all of these other things priority. We know God has so many goals for us and feel we would let those slide if I was not at home w/ the girls. Not sure what we were thinking on that note. Anyways for any of those in the Denton area CR starts tomorrow night at 7pm at the Denton Village Campus off of Oak street!!! Had to give a shout out for it!!!!
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