Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The best Gift of ALL...
We got the best Christmas gift of all this year...a lesson in faith and a on the road to health, Kailyn Paige:) We had a scare this holiday season but in all we learned that we forgot to trust fully in Christ but more in doctors and ourselves. It started off w/ Kailyn getting fever, diarreah, cough 2 weeks ago...well we just assumed we have all had it so kailyn now has it...we forget though that b/c Kailyn had RSV it is harder for her to get over a cough...anyway so this started on a sat, we took her in on monday...they gave her a zpac which they said would "surely" work but if not they would bring in the guns, whatever that meant...oh and this was not my regular dr. he was on Christmas break already...anyway 80 dollars and 3 days later it was not working, she still had fever, cough, diarreah and now a horrible diaper/urine infection/ on Christmas Eve we find the only pharmacy we can for them to call in a new antibiotic in and cream....well....the following sat she still had all of the above and was a cranky, i do mean cranky, little monday we again take her in and yes are normal dr. is back...she has lost 4 pounds in 8 days, still has fever, and all above....losing 4 pounds on a little person is a lot!!! my dr. immediatly sends us over to the hospital....i am now getting super concerned...what am i missing??? did i do something wrong?? should i have caught this sooner??? all of these thoughts are going through my head, as a mother...after an hour of admittance they finally get us back for blood work...after having 3 of us hold her down and pricking her twice they can not get any veins in her arms or hands b/c she is too dehydrated....seriously i am now shaking b/c i have not heard her scream like that, ever! they call down more "blood" people to get second opinions to find a vein...after 2 more times they finally get in to one...all in all she was a brave little girl, considering! now we wait to get the results precious friend, tarrah, had kelsey so while we go get her, they find out she had a high platellete count and high white blood cells so our dr. sends us to Cooks Childrens to see a infectious diesease specialist...he said to go in-laws had come up mean while to keep kelsey at our house so when we came back to drop off kelsey and get packed to take kailyn in to ft. worth i melted...break down....where was my faith, hope and belief???? there is a disease called Kawaskies disease (sp?)...Dr. Squirres said she had signs of it and if she did have it, it was urgent that we get her admitted into cooks and start meds b/c can cause a heart condition and anorisms...janson and i take kailyn and while we were in an hour of traffic God def. used this time to talk/consult w/ me....he gave me an overwhelming sense of peace and just a sense of letting go...knowing he is in control...not me, not janson, not the doctors, But HIM:) and thank goodness for that. We got down to Cooks and after a full check up and the specialist did not think she has Kawaskies disease....what a relief...he thought she had something called parvob12...he said we could do more blood work, etc...but janson and i made the decision to take Kailyn home...she had, had enough poking and proding for the day...we would take her home and rest, fill her w/ as much fluid and food as possible and trust in God...Yesterday was our first full day and it was wonderful...she still has the diarreah but her fever is gone...he is keeping an eye on her and we will do more blood work if necessary but right now we are waiting it out and trusting in God to heal her. thank you to all of those who have been praying their hearts out for her...we FELT all of your prayers, not just for her but us too!!!!! We are glad to be home and to have our trust and hope in Jesus Christ!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
forgot to post KENSEY....
Friday, December 12, 2008
update...and Merry Christmas!!!

janson is officially done w/ football season!! sad b/c they lost but we are all very happy to have him home and to have my husband back and "HELP"!!! we just started a new book together, we always do after a long season, and it is called "Staying Close" by Dennis and Barbara Rainey!!! Def. recommend it!!! thanks again for that one tarrah...yes tarrah officially has a library at her house and is sweet enough to lend out/pass over books!!! guess i should thank adam too:))) anyway we have also gotten a new dog...she is precious and i just couldnt resist...i was on the way to pick the girls up from school and as i was passing the pound i saw this guy taking his boxer in to the i stopped and asked was he giving her up?? he said he was a police officer, worked nights and didnt have the time for her...anyway she is 9 months, fixed, all of her shots, knows basic commands and potty trained!!! i said ok put her in my car!! anyway she has been GREAT...the girls love her and maddie has also adjusted to her... i do feel like i have to vacuum on a daily basis but worth it...oh and she dug up all of my banana plants and two pushes in full tact...that was a little frusturating but oh thinking she is helping me to have more of a desire to go walking!!
these are pics that i took of the girls for Christmas in front of the tree...they have their mothers day out recital on Sun. so JanJan bought them these cute dresses to wear so just had to take some pictures!!!
anyway that is all for now!!! Merry Christmas!!!!
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