here is a glimpse of what makes jansons long hours ALL WORTH it....these kind of letters, phone calls and hugs from kids make me so proud of him and what he does...
this is a letter/paper that janson got yesterday from one of his kids...
In reminiscence of my past four years, I have run numerous sprints extending my steps as far and as fast as my body will allow me. Build ups, lifting weights, and the dreaded long distance runs became in essence the preparation of my fierce track competitions. Drenched in sweat, I've engaged myself in long repetitive routines, not because I enjoy the pain, but because of the inspiration I've received by an exceptional man, Coach Head. This vibrant educator has genuine dedication intended for his students and players as the track coach of Billy Ryan High School. Coach Head works around the clock and hovers over our grades like a hawk in order to ensure our academic achievements. Selective with his words, Coach Head inspires us to reach beyond our former mental limits.
When my feet weigh a ton and I find myself gasping for air, Coach Head is there to ensure that quitting is never an option. He stops dead on its tracks any lingering ideas of failure.
I hold my greatest esteem for Coach Head in the way he structures our priorities. This man never lets us forget that we are students who run track, not track runners that happen to go to school. Therefore, the discipline he instills in us bleeds from our studies and onto the track.
I want people to never give up, to know that hard work pays off, and to pursue their potential. I want to see poeple competing, pursuing excellence, and staying out of trouble. These were things that Coach Head taught me. Because of his inspiration, I want to follow in his foot steps and become a track coach.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
our week!
Miss Bella Dancerella!! Kelsey is LOVING ballet...look at her on those tippy toes:)))
So we had bad weather this week and after the 2nd day in the house we decided to GET OUT and take the girls to Chuckee Cheeses regardless of the ice...we had been in the house for toooo long as kelsey would say!!! Anyway this picture is priceless b/c it tells the exact differance in my two girls....notice how kailyn is riding the horse vs kelsey...and also notice my husband..he is not messing around either:))) this is serious business!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Lets go to the movies....Lets go see the stars...(yes, from my FAVORITE movie, Annie!!) We were singing this theme song all night b/c we had our FIRST Family MOVIE night...Madagascar 2 was playing at the dollar movie so we took the family!!
this would be them walking through the dark "ghetto" hall...remember it is the dollar movie so cant have too high of expections...:))) if you look closely Kailyn has on her shoes backwards and yes those are sunglasses that kelsey is we can not explain that one:) but she "had" to wear them...
In front of the movie we are about to see!
ahhhh...the most important part...which candy to choose from!!!

still looking...

Miss Kailyn!!! her attention span isnt exactly there yet...but she did enjoy eating and going from lap to lap.....

still looking...

Miss Kailyn!!! her attention span isnt exactly there yet...but she did enjoy eating and going from lap to lap.....
Friday, January 2, 2009

I know, I know...most people do just want to see pictures but i like to post what is "truely" going on in our lives...if anyone cares to read that is:))) ok so this is just so funny to me w/ how God truely works...everything that Janson and i have been talking about has been completly coming to life in this study we are doing...last night we read on "Gods purpose for oneness" and wow!!! we have been contemplating what God wants as to "our family" and not having a mediocre marriage but one full of truth and 112 -113 from Staying Close...skipping around, being a English major yes i know this is not correct but...."One of the best ways to mirror God's image is through a line of godly descendants-our children-who will carry a reflection of His character to the next generation...Gods original plan called for the home to be a sort of greenhouse-a nurturing center where children grow up to learn character, values, and integrity. Psalm 78 insturcts parents to teach their children to carry the message of who God is to the next generation, and through these lines of godly descendants, Satan's kingdom would be defeated...Today, however, I observe one big problem with many Christian couples regarding childbearing and child rearing: They conform more to the world's standards than to God's"...ok so not saying lets go and produce, produce and that we are trying but funny how God gave us this to read at this particular time...and just how we do worry about money, etc rather than Gods plan for us...or maybe that is just Janson and i and not the rest of the world:)...
also we thought this was good...we have been contemplating starting kelsey in soccer or ballet or something...why?? b/c aren't we suppose to??isn't that being a good parent??? starting your kids in "stuff"....
"As you plan your families, be very carful to get your orders from God and not from the world- the secular system in which we live. Another problem I ovserve today in many couples is that they are not raising their children w/ a sense of mission and direction. They aren't imparting to them the importance of leaving a legacy of changed lives. Most parents do have some type of plan for their children; the problem is it doesnt' go far enough. Usually parents plan education, activities, type of person they want them to marry but on the spiritual side, it doesn't go much further than making sure they live a good life and recieve Christ. If our children do not gain a sense of "mission" as they grow up, they may slide into the pews as adults to live their entire lives w/ out experiencing the privilege of God using them in a significant way."
no, i am not saying that i am not going to put my kids in activities ect...but funny how i do so easily get carried away w/ what i am "suppose" to do or what the "world" says....we just want so badly to raise our kids according to Gods will and no one ever said how hard this was going to be...guess this is how Christ keeps us close to him!!! this is GRACE!
no, i am not saying that i am not going to put my kids in activities ect...but funny how i do so easily get carried away w/ what i am "suppose" to do or what the "world" says....we just want so badly to raise our kids according to Gods will and no one ever said how hard this was going to be...guess this is how Christ keeps us close to him!!! this is GRACE!
one more this on pg 117...."you cannot kill time w/out injuring eterntiy. In the same way, you can't have a mediocre marriage w/ out poorly reflection n God's yes it is work but isn't it all worth it:)
and yes for a few pictures....from the holidays!!! kelsey got her first soccer ball!!! we will see about that...back to starting her in soccer....not sure if she would actually where the uniform, anyway:))) haha!
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