Janson surprised me w/ a trip to the Galleria for Mothers Day!!! Janson did that hotwire thing where you dont know where you will actually stay but just the area...his intentions were to stay in the area of the Galleria so we could take kelsey ice skating but ended up that for 64 dollars we got a room at the WESTIN!!!! So fun!!! So we left after kelsey and i got home from Sages game...We got there and checked out our rooms and then immediatly took the girls to see the ice ring! so cool b/c we could literally walk right out of our hotel room...once kelsey saw it from 3 stories up, she was like "maybe not..." Janson was afraid of that but we just figured we would try again later and started off on doing other things....First we took the girls over to the American Girl store!!! So neat! SO EXPENSIVE...lets just say we did a lot of looking and looking but left empty handed...they enjoyed just seeing everything...then they wanted to go swimming even though it was freezing so we did that next...after swimming hot Chocolate by the ice ring and watched the ice skaters...then...Kelsey was ready:) So I took her ice skating...it was SO much fun and we were sooo proud of her! Anyone who knows kelsey knows she is very timid but she got her skates on and got out there...no backing out!!! by the end she wasnt even holding my hand!!! then off for Mexican food...La Cocina...after La Cocina Janson took the girls up to the room to watch the last 4 min. of the maverick game while i went to a few neat stores but sooner than later i got a call from janson in panic!!! kelsey and kailyn were "playing" and somehow kailyn got kicked in the nose....so bad that there was blood EVERYWHERE and a VERY swollen NOSE!!! so what does any parent do w/ a screaming child....take a trip to Candy Land...yep, 3rd floor is the biggest candy store EVER!!! so we figured if that made her happy the emergancy room could wait...still hoping the swelling will go down and is not broken:))) after candy store off to the play area...finally back up to room! we were all wiped out so we turned out the lights, put on our pjs and sat at the window w/ pillows!!! so cool...we were on 14th floor and we could see all of dallas out our window...the girls loved watching all of the cars drive by and seeing all of the lights...As janson and i held them there looking out we talked w/ them about how blessed we are and how grateful we are for our family! it was a really sweat time...think janson and i will remember that forever!
next morning off to ihop and then home!!! Thank YOU Janson and Girls for a WONDERFUL mothers DAY weekend!
(first pic)Janson and girls in parking lot...we realized really fast that it is a different world just 30 minutes from our home....w/in the first 5min. of walking up to the hotel we saw a lamborghini (sp??) ..and Roy Williams! think everyone besides us was getting valet parking...for 24 dollars i would taken a minute to park some cars too!!! guess that would have put a damper on our getaway:)

Looking out of our view right when we got there...

Kailyn had to touch and try out EVERYTHING in the room...here she is testing out the chair:)

American Girl store...could not even get them to look at me for a picture...too much to see and do...just for a doll it is 99-120 dollars...then the clothes and accessories are more expensive than what i spend on their clothes...crazyness..but neat!

Kailyn checking it out...and touching EVERYTHING...Janson was about to have a heart attack..

kailyn about to swim...

janson swimming w/ girls in freezing cold water...amazing what you will do for your kids!

HOT chocolate and watching ice skaters..Kelsey thinking if she is going to actually ice skate...

there we are!!!

so proud of her!

we only fell like 4 times!!! have to say my arms are soar this morn.!!!

kelsey wanted to go and go forever...we ended up skating over an hour...she kept saying lets go mom....lets go!!!

LOOK...YES that is kelsey on her own!!!

next morning....kelsey and her dora suitcase...ready for breakfast!

close up of kailyns nose...very swollen and bruised...poor thing! will say candy is the best medicine!

This was the morning of our trip! Kelsey and I went to watch Sage play soccer! She is so GOOD! She scored like 4 goals:) We were very excited...I have to say I REALLY enjoyed watching Adam and Tarrah too b/c they are the coaches!!! Adam plays the role very well, i must say!!! He was pretty intense on making sure everything was going according to plan!!! hopefully kelsey we will play next season:)) at least i can "hope"!!!

Can we say "coach"...from the sidelines! she was on the injury list thanks to Kailyn kicking her in the leg the day before...wups:( sorry miss tarrah:)))

the girls!!!

Adam and Tarrah "the game plan" together:)