Thursday, July 23, 2009
Kailyns 3
kailyn had so much fun at her birthday...thanks family and friends for coming!!!! it was definitly a success:)))
she so wanted a new baby...and she got TWO!!!!

thank you so much Obama for attempting to make a change in Health Care for our COUNTRY:)) We completly relate to what he was talking about in his speech last night...jansons premiums are SO high that we can not afford them...around 700 dollars a month...so me and the girls got our "own" insurance for 380 dollars w/ premiums that continue to rise...so we are paying for health care yet it doesnt cover the majority of things we need...i feel like people that are sick are the most vulnerable and it is not right how we treat people in this country b/c of CLASS...whether y0u are republican or democrat please open your eyes and hearts and SEE that there are many who have no choices...no options b/c they do not have any coverage...so i guess the message we have been sending our children and people of this country for the last many years is some people get "better" health care if you have more money..but if you dont...so sorry...NO, that is not how you treat people, kids or anyone who is suffering from an illness or disease...anyway thank YOU Obama and your administration:)
Monday, July 20, 2009
7 years!!!
7 years ago i married my BEST FRIEND!!! janson and i always talk about the path that God has given us and how amazing/blessed we are...on our wedding I can still remember the feeling i felt when standing at the alter w/ janson...it was as if no-one else was there...just me, him and God...the wierdest feeling but i truely felt a different kind of love on the day i married him. a love that i knew would last forever...a love that was true...a love that was real, deep and a love full of truth...through the ups and downs and all the in-betweens..through new jobs, buying our first house, cars and having our precious children...there have been times when we have lived on faith and faith alone and Gods grace has always been sufficient...God has taught us so much about love, sacrifice, commitment, faith, obediance, patience, and constant Grace...thank you janson for loving me always and unconditionally...thank you for being my best friend, husband, provider, and the most amazing father I could have ever asked for....
Saturday, July 18, 2009
where did the time go???
MY BABY IS THREE TODAY??? remember it like it was YESTERDAY...went to the dr. for a regular check up and he said "YOU are having contractions..."sent us to the hospital to stop them w/ LOTS of fluids but she was coming!!!! at 10pm they did a C-Section and we saw our precious kailyn for the first time!!! these 3 years have flown by...kailyn your smile, laughter, energy, love and your presence always brings a smile to our face and melts our hearts....THANK YOU GOD for Miss Kailyn Paige...her strawberry shortcake party is today!!! so pics to come...hope all goes well!!!:)))

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
cracks me up....
Friday, July 10, 2009

How has time gone by so fast??? Kelsey is officially Five years old...I remember like it was yesterday waking up at 1 am in the morning to my water breaking...janson convincing me to go to the hospital and 11 hours later having miss kelsey taylor...you are such a joy to our lives in everyway...your loving, caring, giving, compassionate heart continues to amaze us daily...Thank you God for placing Kelsey in our lives...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Fourth and Mom/Kelseys BDAY
we all went to longview and then on the 4th went to my aunt elayne and uncle joes lake house on lake palestine to celebrate...so fun...the fireworks were beautiful over the lake...
Parents w/ all of the grandkids...about to grow by 2 more!!!
janson and my brothers teaching the girls BLACK JACK...awesome???
my mom and kelsey have the same bday....so we celebrated while in Longview!
mom and kailyn enjoying some pizza:)
oh and did i mention kailyns bday is also in july so we let her open gifts from jason/kristen and trav. and autumn! so did you get that...kelseys bday, kailyns bday...also jansons on the 15th and our anniversary on 20th....way too much cake for a month!
aunt autumn w/ kelsey...Kelsey LOVES her aunt autumn!
thought this was too cute...my dad and kailyn walking out to the lake! hand in hand!
all of my moms family came out to the lake house on the 4th to celebrate...so good seeing everyone!

Thursday, July 2, 2009
First lemonade stand and Baby STORY

so the story goes...
a few months ago i was out at my friend Jamies house and she is currently pregnant w/ her third...she was telling me how i needed to have a baby soon so we could be pregnant together... Ha..i told her!!! I mean we would love to have a baby but w/ out maternity insurance or a plan probally not so smart...plus, i told her i thought i was going through menopause...dont laugh...my mom went through it at a really young age and i was constantly waking up soaking wet...i am talking so bad that i would have to change pajamas AND wash the sheets...disgusting! she told me that she had 2 extra pregnancy test and i should just rule it out...i told her their was no way i was but to make her happy i took one...NOPE! I was not pregnant or thought i wasnt...a few weeks later i was still waking up w/ heat sweats and it had been going on way too long...i was soooo irritiated...so one morning i woke up at 4am, had not missed a cycle or anything but thought this was just crazyness...i was either pregnant, going through menopause or had some rare disease! yes, i was probally being dramatic! so at 4 am i took the (the 2nd) test and w/in SECONDS their was A VERY CLEAR second line....WHAT??? i paniced start telling janson to come here, get out of bed NOW...he is not a morn. person whatsoever so at 4 am he thought i was CRAZY...i told him and he thought i had lost my mind, told me it was wrong, and not to worry???? WHAT... a wrong prego test is unheard of...at least one saying you are pregnant...anyway needless to say it took several days to take in w/out mentioning it to anyone...we didnt want to tell ANYONE until we got some kind of plan together...no maternity insurance w/ someone who has had a previous c-section and 2 nicu babies is not a good thought....we didnt want to worry/burden anyone so we did a lot of praying, calling every hospital and doctor known to man, and finally we accepted it and were excited...God has taught us a lot and continues to teach us about "His" plan and how gracious, loving and how he is so much bigger than any us...God continues to provide and stretches in so many different ways...not sure a baby, God's biggest blessing, is ever decided on a money factor....so he has opened our eyes, calmed our hearts and fears and continues to PROVIDE!!!
So through all of our options of ways to have this precious baby we have decided to use a doctor and found one that will do a v-bac...i had a horrible c-section experiance and it is a lot cheaper this route:) a mid-wife would not even touch me..thanks:( anyway we really like who we are using and feel like God will lead, guide and teach us in every decision that comes our way...Are due date is January 25th so that makes me about 11 weeks? not too far...the girls know and are both so excited...at first kelsey would constantly tell the baby to stop making me sick and bring me water w/ a straw in it while i was throwing up...hope i have not caused her too much trauma...kailyn keeps saying mommy sick??? and touching my boobs...uh, so embarrassing but she is completly amazed i guess by them...when i get pregnant it seems that they get HUGE...probally way too much info but the girls have been super excited, caring and sweet! kelsey is starting kindergarden in the fall and kailyn will be going to speech therapy/maybe mdo which will all be great timing to start before the baby...plus this wiil be our FIRST baby to have NOT DURING FOOTBALL SEASON!!! yes, GOD does love me and is thinking out for my sanity level...ha! anyway that is how we found out and where we are now...please pray for the health of this baby and that i carry this baby FULL TERM!!!! My goal is 39 weeks and over 7 lbs!!! the one good thing about our insurance is it will pick up the baby when it is born...crazy how our health care is in this country...anyone who knows me well knows this is a passion of mine but God continues to ease my bitterness towards it...we do have insurance BCBS and pay almost 400 for just me and the girls but it covers nothing... guess it is to have for a major emergancy but just frusturating how little it covers...so one day look for me on the news protesting in Austin for better health care for people in this country...we are blessed, truely blessed and grateful for all but my heart goes out to those women, single women who are working their hardest and cant make it...not b/c they are not working but b/c regardless our HEALTH CARE IS SO MESSED UP! sorry had to throw that in:)))))
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