Miss kyleigh is growing up too fast...She is already 8 weeks and weighs 10 lbs! At first we were seeing more of kailyn in her but now i see kelsey? who knows...all of our babies seem to look alike at first and then go their own way so will be interesting to see if she favors kelsey/kailyn or neither:))) My mom found a pic of me when i was a baby and at first thought it was one of the girls but then realized it was me??? who knows! kelsey def. favors janson:))) that one is easy! ha! So life at our house as been pretty hectic...Janson has been SUPER busy w/ track...they are doing really good so that is exciting...I have been super busy playing taxi, nurse, chef, mom, playmate, and every other role:)))) I am not going to lie...three has been a challenge...not to mention kyleigh has developed colic...she cries a lot so my attention is w/ her which makes it really hard on the girls at times...I keep trying to think God is building resiliency in them and they will be fine but hard not to have moments of guilt...they are my babies too but my time seems very stretched...I am really wishing that we lived closer to family but maybe this is making us stronger?!?! ha! Kelsey is starting soccer!!! I took her to a camp last week (just a one day deal) but anyway she did so good and made me proud! I will say that she is not into getting dirty...at one time during the scrimmage she ran off of the field to tell me that she had a stain on her pants and needed to clean it:) too cute...Kailyn is loving mothers day out and her speech improves daily, literally! she talks ALL OF THE TIME now!! ha! They both LOVE being big sisters...I thought they would get tired of it and bored w/ kyleigh but NO, not at all....