not sure why but my brain takes off on thoughts/words/discussions and analyzes:)
so today at walmart this very sweet japanese women checked me out. as we talked she told me that she had 4 at ucla, one at medical school, one engineer and one 14 years old. She works two jobs and her husband is back in Japan working to support thier kids and to give them a "better" life. I asked when does she see her husband and she said once a year..She said she and her husband work so hard to pay for their kids first i thought "wow, what sacrifice for their children" and wondered will their children ever realize what they did for them...
then as i drove home, I could not get her out of my head and God began to show me so much...first of all my admiration turned into sadness...we are ALL the same regardless of our culture or time period here on earth. We want the best for our kids/family but at what extent? We are raised thinking and taught to do your best, you can do anything, be a doctor or lawyer, make LOTS of money...we sacrifce everything for our children but in reality we are hurting them...putting them up on a pedestal and not teaching Truth/LOVE...from our very being we are taught that success is measured by earthly treasures and that is devestating to our souls...these are lies. i am not saying you dont want to do your best and make a "living" for your family but instead of the focus being on "us" why not God? What He wants and working for Him not for the new car or nicer home...Then to think she only sees her husband once a year...what is that teaching her kids? so them having a degree and making lots of money is better than seeing a loving/healthy marriage? that they, her kids, are more important than their own lives? was just so interesting how at first i automatically thought wow, and than as i thought my views broadened/changed and revealed my own heart/tendencies...
I was watching Guilianna and Bill on E and it completely solidified my thinking...They go on this resort/challenge and she starts crying b/c she realizes how much her parents worked leaving her home alone as a child...In the next segment they are talking about wanting kids but loving their jobs and that they can have both...WHAT? Does the cycle of insanity not ring any bells? Instead of breaking that cycle she will continue and it just makes me so sad that we are so blind to Truth/Importance and shortness of Life...
I guess in all reality the "truth" is that women did not know Christ and how can you know any better or break any cycles w/out HiM:) I told her she was so blessed to have such successful children and she said "no, it is b/c we work so hard"...i think if we follow things/words to the root, instead of only looking on the outside we will learn so much more:))
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
janson getting his kids ready to run! regionals is in a week and a half! they did great @ district!
kyleigh at her first track meet! she did great!

janson and his girls...he is always showing them stuff on his ipod! they love it...too bad i am technology illiterate! guess he is starting kyleigh early...ha!
miss kailyn posing!
kyleigh grace
the girls w/ sterling. he turned 16 this week so we had to have a party for him!
kelseys new best friend...she is a shorkie...a mix b/w a yorkie and shitzu...we got her for only 100 dollars so thought that was pretty good deal and kelsey has been dying for a "small" puppy forever..she has been great w/ all of the responsibility:) reminds me so much of when i had my precious taffy when i was a little girl! she carries her around EVERYWHERE!

janson and his girls...he is always showing them stuff on his ipod! they love it...too bad i am technology illiterate! guess he is starting kyleigh early...ha!

Sunday, April 18, 2010
My perspective has been flawed lately and this morning God showed me this:) Matt talked about suffering/pain/sorrow this morning and joy/happiness...How The Bible is full of hardship, pain, suffering but how me and "my world" seem to think we are suppose to go through life happy, healthy and full of the things of this world...It is so easy to get caught up in that and in the mine, me syndrome...So often i look at my world and my life and think how i could do more or have more time, etc...not saying it is not good to strive for better but sometimes i so often try to fix/change it, that i am missing how God is using it to grow me closer to Him... thank you God for having patience w/ me:) and loving me!
Monday, April 12, 2010
a busy weekend...Kelsey had a soccer game, we did kristins baby shower, had some of the track boys over for dinner, and district starts today...hopefully we will win district....
this is kyleigh and kash...Coach A's little boy...kyleigh and kash are only 10 days apart!
jan cooking away...notice kyleighs shirt says my dad rocks:) cute:)
this is kyleigh and kash...Coach A's little boy...kyleigh and kash are only 10 days apart!

Thursday, April 8, 2010
catching up...
Miss Kyleigh Grace is growing up so fast. She smiles, coo's and LOVES her big sisters...and BATH time:))) She has turned into such a happy baby and seems to be over all of the colic...She is sleeping pretty good considering my other two as babies:) I will admit that she is our cuddly baby...janson was always much more on top of putting the other two back in their crib but not miss kyleigh...not sure if that is just survival mode or we are just enjoying having a baby in the bed...Kailyn is still loving MDO and has finally started enjoying speech! yaaa! Kelsey has started soccer and LOVES it....I told janson i am officially a soccer mom:) Janson has been very busy w/ track...they are having a GREAT season and have district Mon/Tues...I have to say that my husband is an amazing coach, teacher, leader, friend, father and husband...So thankful!
Lately I have been thinking about how much God loves us...I look at our girls and think if He loves them more than I do, WOW....that is how much He loves me too...Over-whelming to think about...So many things are put in perspective when you have kids and I guess that is why He calls it one of His greatest Gifts:))) God has been pressing on Janson and my heart about the vision that He has for our lives...With such a big job of raising these precious gifts, its makes us look at our priorities daily and think what His calling is for us. Anyway, things are going GREAT and we just try to remember what a Blessed life we have everyday:)))
miss kyleigh @ 11 weeks.
my attempt of Easter pics...Kelsey posing and kailyn?? well whatever you call that!
kyleigh grace...10 weeks
miss kailyn before her Easter party at MDO
Lately I have been thinking about how much God loves us...I look at our girls and think if He loves them more than I do, WOW....that is how much He loves me too...Over-whelming to think about...So many things are put in perspective when you have kids and I guess that is why He calls it one of His greatest Gifts:))) God has been pressing on Janson and my heart about the vision that He has for our lives...With such a big job of raising these precious gifts, its makes us look at our priorities daily and think what His calling is for us. Anyway, things are going GREAT and we just try to remember what a Blessed life we have everyday:)))
miss kyleigh @ 11 weeks.

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