not sure where the time has gone but it has been forever since i looked at this blog. we have been so busy w/ summer "stuff"...lots of birthdays, traveling, swimming and PLAYING! It has been such an amazing summer! We have been so blessed. Janson and I continue to be amazed as God opens doors, answers prayers and shows us His vision for us. Sometimes we feel like we are living in a bubble:) we have three healthy girls, each other, great family, a great church in a great town and amazing friends!!!! i just never want to take a day for granted...guess that is my daily prayer:))) here are a few random pics of the girls...
this is kailyns bday present! i got it at a thrift store for under $2 and embroidered K on it! she absolutly LOVES it! so much that she wears it EVERYWHERE!

precious kyleigh grace...

The Oasis in Austin!

the girls double birthday party. started out at the water park but when the lightening and rain moved in we all came to our house...was crazyness! but they would have never known...they had a GREAT time!

kelsey blowing out her my little pony cupcake

kailyn blowing out her rainbow cupcake...

at the water park before the dad and kyleigh

kailyn paige

we had family pics done at my parents! miss kyleigh 5 months.

janson and girls

me and girls.

the family:)

What a GREAT summer it has been! I cannot believe miss kyleigh is over 6 months old, kelsey is going to first grade and kailyn will be in Pre-K! Crazyness!!!!..oh and i started my own business. check it out!