why do i constantly second guess myself...being a parent is def. the biggest struggle and challenge i have ever faced. kelsey is def. getting into the age where she has a "mind of her own" and likes to share it w/ me. she likes to tell "me" how we are going to do things. uhhhh... i just hate disciplining...it wares me out. i swear i would rather teach a class of 40 7th graders for 3 hours than the emotional stress of trying to explain/discipline my child...kelsey is just so dramatic so anytime i get on to her it is a all out affair...for example...let me take you all to yesterday in Target...i am trying to get a few things and go. kelsey sees a pink princess shirt from afar (two things that are huge on her list:pink and princess) here we go....so she notices the shirt and starts saying from the cart pllllleeeeaaaaassssseeee...I HAVE to have that shirt. I say, no. She procedes to cry. It is just like that kid in the store that I would see and think "gosh look at that kid"...so then i tell her if she doesn't hush she will get a spanking. she procedes to cry even more for the shirt. off to the bathroom... as we are walking to the bathroom she is yelling "don't spank me"...seriously i got some serious looks from people. get to the bathroom, spank her, love on her and try to calm her down....nope it doesn't work...after 20 min. in the Target bathroom we leave (i also have kailyn w/ me) she, kelsey, procedes to wine/cry through the check out line....uh...so embarrassing. love being a mom but wow does it test your patience.
1 comment:
I hear ya! I love being a mom but it's the hardest thing I've ever done. Some days it's all I can do not to completely loss it!
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