so i am bad about being a "blogger" and then forgetting...anyways the holidays were great! Got to spend much needed time with all of the fam. I got to see my precious baby sydney, i now call her this too b/c this is Kelseys official name for her...my most precious neice! We had so much fun and a great new year! although we are "officially" old! On new years we hung out w/ friends and then crashed before 11pm. pathetic! Sorry, Tarrah and Adam, but telling it like it is...haha! Or we could just blame it on the kids and say it was "their" bed time...haha! anyways our break was GREAT! We have now been dealing w/ sick kids lately. so the story goes....last weekend kelsey had fever, 103ish, and then her eye starts swelling. well, i just assume it is pink eye...so i call my friends who also have kids and ask their opinion oh and not to mention my sister-n-law Kristen...they are all like me...no big deal just take to the dr. well the only problem is that it is saturday and janson is at an all day track clinic ...plus taking a 3 year old and one year old to the dr. on a Saturday....so i just think i will wait it out till monday, plus maybe it will be gone by then and she will fine???? so janson gets home and is like "what happened"...well, i guess it did look pretty bad. needless to say, her eyes were both swollen w/ yellow puss/snot stuff coming out the corners. still "me" thinking just pink eye thought ehhhhh she sure seemed happy! anyway janson took her to the care now down the street and did not agree w/ me and all my friends doctoring skills....so come to find out it was a sinus infection which was making her eyes swell and then the "stuff" coming out of the corners. and a huge bill to go along w/ my "waiting it out" plan!!! So now miss kailyn woke up w/ the same thing this morning...yuck! Yes, i did learn from my mistakes!!! i took kailyn to the dr. first thing! she is so precious b/c there is never a moment in her life where she is still and today she was actually still...bless her little heart. she is not feeling good...and she also has an ear infection which i have never really dealt w/.
So around here Janson is getting in official track mode and mentality!!! I am still tutoring at Lake Dallas isd and contemplating the "idea" of going back to work next year. Such a hard decision. Everything on paper would say "yes" i have to go back to work but just not sure that is where God is leading us yet??? My principal that I use to work for is opening a school and has asked me to work there so please shoot out a prayer on that for me!!! I know God will let us know when the timing is right!
Oh have to share the most precious story. the other night i was at step study and janson was putting the girls down. they were doing their usual bed time routine and in the middle of praying. kelsey blurts out during the prayer....thank you for the birds that sing and JESUS...You tell Santa that there are some kids out there that do not get toys for Christmas so you need to make sure they get some! Janson said that his heart just melted! too cute.
oh and kailyn is officially saying....moooooommmmm!
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