Just have to blog on my last two days! Wow, God has definitly reminded me how important family is and just how blessed I am in this last 48 hours! Janson has been off ALL weekend so we have gotten to spend it just relaxing and time actually together w/ no interruptions and it has been WONDERFUL!. We went to Granbury yesterday and Janson and I spent our time together running, and yes some walking too:), but anyway we did a total of 5 miles!!!!! it was actually not so bad but my legs are killing me this morning. Our two competitive natures kept us going! This morning I spent two hours w/ kailyn while janson and kelsey were sleeping just reading books, making french toast and holding her...so nice... it is hard to get one on one time w/ each of them so really take it when i get it!!! oh we also went to babe's last night on the square in granbury and if you havent been to babes you got to go!!! one in sanger, keller and granbury...take the drive you have never been! so much fun!!!!