where to begin....
okay so have been so busy and overwhelmed lately. feel like i have so much going on and just a crazy season in our life. from jansons end of track...yes it has been going on forever b/c made it to state which yes is a good thing for his "career and kids" but as far as me??? well 4 days by myself w/ the girls and i was crazy enough to take them to lubbock, well i say that i actually got lost and took me 5 hours to get to abilene, then driving to and back from lubbock and then to granbury...then travis GRADUATED from Tech and is officially an Engineer!!! We are all so proud of him!!! then taking care of neighbors pets, mothers day, the girls school recital and my car had issues all last week. we had to get new tires, brakes and something else? anyway i know this is going to be a better week! sorry to be so dreary:( a few pics from travis's graduation, girls recital and we all went swimming at neighbors house this afternoon!!!!
You crack me up! that picture of you and your girls is adorable! LOL- I love your posing glamour queen! LOVE YOU!
This is Stacy Durham:) I just thought I would say Hi:) Sounds like you had a crazy week, but your girls looked really happy, so I am impressed:):) You are a good mama! Bless you guys:)
i am so glad ya'll came today! Enjoyed playing and talking! I want to have playgroup here at our house a few times this summer and do crafts with teh kids. Hopefully we can hang out again soon!
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