Tuesday, April 28, 2009
photography by stacy:)))
so i have been saying for the last 6 months i wanted pics of the girls and have not gotten around to taking them or paying for it...so i decided to take them myself when we were in granbury last weekend!!! "i think" they turned out really good and were free...well, 10 cents a copy w/ my coupon:))) this is kelsey hugging kailyn later that afternoon b/c kailyn was not going to get to stay and ride back w/ pop...kelsey is such a sweet big sister:))) i prayed from the day i found out kailyn was a girl that they would be best friends...they have their fights but boy do they depend on one another and LOVE each other SOOOO much!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009
off to regionals..
Off they go to REGIONALS this week!!! Our annual track "regional" dinner...it seems to grow each year which is good but requires more and more cooking:))) i was about to gag after cooking 5 POUNDS of beef...we had a great time and so did kelsey and kailyn!!! they love this group of kids!

the whole gang in the living room after they finished eating OUTSIDE...Praise God for no rain tonight!!!
Kelseys buddy Mo....i cannot tell you how much she "loves" him...we told her he was graduating and she asked if we could keep him one more year...
seniors w/ janson

the whole gang in the living room after they finished eating OUTSIDE...Praise God for no rain tonight!!!

seniors w/ janson
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Kelsey and Kailyn before our Tea Party...I got some really pretty china at a garage sale last weekend so why not USE it!!! we got dressed up and had a tea party on mon. morning for breakfast....
notice kailyns baby joined us and matches kailyn! thanks to nana for those dresses w/ matching baby dresses!
random...kelsey and kensey
the dogs!!! awesome one of kensey "smelling" maddies, BEHIND...
the girls before Muffins w/ MOM!
this is a good friend of mine:) Carrie!!! we taught together and her daughter Ally is only 3 weeks older than kelsey...i knew her in the womb!! kelsey and ally have been friends since birth...her son is Caleb..He is a few months older than kailyn...nice to have friends where your kids grow up together...she is a great friend:)))
no i could not get them all to look at the same time....ally always doing BAllET!!!
about to go in!

still posting/blogging??? still not sure about the internet and what all people do on it but i love that blogs keeps people up to date and in tune w/ peoples lives...so feel there is a lot of good to blogs, too?? no one ever said parenting would be so hard! anyway so here are some pics of tea party and Mothers Day Out Muffins w/ MOM...speaking of...my own daughter that i gave BIRTH to did not even sit w/ me at muffins w/ mom...kelsey was just too cool and had to sit w/ Ally at another table...wow, am i in trouble...kailyn however was glued to me:)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
just me???
ok so i have some paranoia setting in...maybe it is just me but this 'might' be my LAST blog...i dvr'd oprah last week and was watching it last night...they were talking about all of the predators on the internet and how they can take a pic. of a child and turn it into something horrible. the investigator said that there is NO WAY he would have ANY pictures anywhere on-line...and the fact that someone could literally figure way too much out and literally find you or your child through what i post....i know that fear is not from The Lord but am thinking this is a good "fear"....like one of those senses He gives for a reason...asked janson if he even knew how to delete everything i have posted but he is not sure yet...looking into it?? any advice, moms????
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
YEAH Ryan Raiders and Happy EASTER!!!

District is OVER!!! I was LITERALLY shaking during the track meet...i didnt even have one of my own kids running but was so nervous...I love this group of kids and SO wanted them to do GREAT and they did!!!! We won District in J.V and Varsity got second to Guyer in District... so that is AWESOME...Guyer will probally win state so 2nd is amazing! we are sending all 3 relays, 2 kids in 110 hurdles, 1 in 100 yard dash, 1 in 400 meters, and 1 in pole vault...anyway it was a success and so glad district is over...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Grace and Faith
These are two things that The Lord has been teaching me...last night I was actually able to see what he has been doing or at least He gave me a glimse...so thought I would share...
First of all I believe that God gave us our children to TEACH us...so often I think that I am here for them but think it is the other way around...In being a parent I now can understand how much God loves me. I also have been able to see how much control, fear, and my lack of faith in the last few years...which goes back to Gods absolute and amazing Grace...
just a few examples:)) For those of you who dont know Kailyns speech has been delayed. So much that at 2 she was saying just a few words. Instead of trusting in God and my own heart, I began to listen to "the world" and what the world says...so easy to believe others without going to The Father, FIRST...I would pray but only my mind was in it...not my heart...I began to think that I wasn't doing something right or that someone else would be more qualified to teach, guide and prepare Kailyn in where she should be...as the "worlds" standards....this week God kept showing me simplicity...that is all he asks for...why we make things so complex I have NO idea but has been opening windows to my heart that were closed due to fear and control...Kailyn has started talking more and more...is she delayed to the worlds standards...yes but that is ok b/c God designed her...not the world or anyone else...She is so beautiful in every way ...we have so much to be thankful for....see i was trusting him in the things that i wanted to but not in everything...i am sure that i bring a lot of humor to him:)
The other thing God showed me was....last night Janson came home late but was so excited and had SO much to talk about. If anyone knows my husband, talkative, is not an adjective that you would use to describe him...Anyway his track team broke the mile relay record and so on and so on but all I kept hearing was God whisper in my ear... Gods gift/Grace/Blessing that Janson loves his job and loves the job that God put him in. He does it so well! So often i feel sorry for myself when everyone elses husbands are home for dinner and on weekends but WOW God chooses to show me his love in so many amazing/unpredictable ways... And how amazing that I have the opportunity to lean on him in lonely times. When Janson and I got married he was always my rock and I never liked being alone...Funny b/c God has always known this about me and knew that he was going to have to change that:) So yes he has always been in control but for some reason i so often think i am...I love how he continues to grow me as a mother, wife and daughter in Christ....this is his ultimate Grace:)
First of all I believe that God gave us our children to TEACH us...so often I think that I am here for them but think it is the other way around...In being a parent I now can understand how much God loves me. I also have been able to see how much control, fear, and my lack of faith in the last few years...which goes back to Gods absolute and amazing Grace...
just a few examples:)) For those of you who dont know Kailyns speech has been delayed. So much that at 2 she was saying just a few words. Instead of trusting in God and my own heart, I began to listen to "the world" and what the world says...so easy to believe others without going to The Father, FIRST...I would pray but only my mind was in it...not my heart...I began to think that I wasn't doing something right or that someone else would be more qualified to teach, guide and prepare Kailyn in where she should be...as the "worlds" standards....this week God kept showing me simplicity...that is all he asks for...why we make things so complex I have NO idea but has been opening windows to my heart that were closed due to fear and control...Kailyn has started talking more and more...is she delayed to the worlds standards...yes but that is ok b/c God designed her...not the world or anyone else...She is so beautiful in every way ...we have so much to be thankful for....see i was trusting him in the things that i wanted to but not in everything...i am sure that i bring a lot of humor to him:)
The other thing God showed me was....last night Janson came home late but was so excited and had SO much to talk about. If anyone knows my husband, talkative, is not an adjective that you would use to describe him...Anyway his track team broke the mile relay record and so on and so on but all I kept hearing was God whisper in my ear... Gods gift/Grace/Blessing that Janson loves his job and loves the job that God put him in. He does it so well! So often i feel sorry for myself when everyone elses husbands are home for dinner and on weekends but WOW God chooses to show me his love in so many amazing/unpredictable ways... And how amazing that I have the opportunity to lean on him in lonely times. When Janson and I got married he was always my rock and I never liked being alone...Funny b/c God has always known this about me and knew that he was going to have to change that:) So yes he has always been in control but for some reason i so often think i am...I love how he continues to grow me as a mother, wife and daughter in Christ....this is his ultimate Grace:)
Monday, April 6, 2009
so this is a long post...we did a lot in Austin and had a GREAT time...this is the first night at Catfish Parlor...Dave wanted all of the kids to get a true taste of Austin...:)) Kailyn LOVED the hushpuppies...this is Janson and his crew...Keistan is front right...he is Jansons right hand man...he is a GREAT coach...Janson is blessed to have him on staff...
kids ordering:)
Jan is happy to have her grandkids in Austin!!!
Maurice and Kelsey...
Janson "talking"
Ishmail and Murphy...GREAT group of kids!!!
Janson and kelsey...sure he hopes to have her running at Texas Relays one day:)
Maurice, Janson and Yash...
The whole gang...first night still
take two!
Daniel, Barry, Yash, and Cooper before Mile Relay...
after mile relay..they did great...
my cute hubby!!!
after mile relay...just the mile relay kids, again!
celebrating night two w/ fudruckers!!! yash, peyton, and cooper...
murphy and ishmail...they are a hoot...
Yash getting ready to run....
that is maurice getting ready in the middle for sprint relay...day three...Saturday morning.
Whole crew on Day 3!!!
Sprint relay...Angle, Yash, Maurice and Peyton...Murphy is suppose to be on it but pulled a hamstring so hopefully he will be ready for district next week...Angel did great in his place:)
murphy giving me thumbs up for day!!!
in front of stadium...
girls at central market!!! love, love their salad and gelato...ummmm....
eating and then off to play on the playground...birds just come by and ate w/ us!!! too fun!
jan and i took girls to the capitol...made us feel like a good janjan and mom:))ha...anyway here is me and the girls on the tree we were suppose to not climb on..wups:(
janjan and kelsey looking up and up and up....
the girls taking a break in the middle!!!
had to stop off at the senators chamber...this is where it all goes down:) think i will be back to testify/fight for better health insurance for ALL!!!!!! ha!

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