so this is a long post...we did a lot in Austin and had a GREAT time...this is the first night at Catfish Parlor...Dave wanted all of the kids to get a true taste of Austin...:)) Kailyn LOVED the hushpuppies...this is Janson and his crew...Keistan is front right...he is Jansons right hand man...he is a GREAT coach...Janson is blessed to have him on staff...

kids ordering:)

Jan is happy to have her grandkids in Austin!!!

Maurice and Kelsey...

Janson "talking"

Ishmail and Murphy...GREAT group of kids!!!

Janson and kelsey...sure he hopes to have her running at Texas Relays one day:)

Maurice, Janson and Yash...

The whole gang...first night still

take two!

Daniel, Barry, Yash, and Cooper before Mile Relay...

after mile relay..they did great...

my cute hubby!!!

after mile relay...just the mile relay kids, again!

celebrating night two w/ fudruckers!!! yash, peyton, and cooper...

murphy and ishmail...they are a hoot...

Yash getting ready to run....

that is maurice getting ready in the middle for sprint three...Saturday morning.

Whole crew on Day 3!!!

Sprint relay...Angle, Yash, Maurice and Peyton...Murphy is suppose to be on it but pulled a hamstring so hopefully he will be ready for district next week...Angel did great in his place:)

murphy giving me thumbs up for day!!!

in front of stadium...

girls at central market!!! love, love their salad and gelato...ummmm....

eating and then off to play on the playground...birds just come by and ate w/ us!!! too fun!

jan and i took girls to the capitol...made us feel like a good janjan and mom:))ha...anyway here is me and the girls on the tree we were suppose to not climb on..wups:(

janjan and kelsey looking up and up and up....

the girls taking a break in the middle!!!

had to stop off at the senators chamber...this is where it all goes down:) think i will be back to testify/fight for better health insurance for ALL!!!!!! ha!

this is where Jan testifies for Indigent Health Care....she spends too much time in here....maybe she should just run for office:))))

me and the girls on the steps....

us in front of capitol....

jan and girls in front of some statue...jan was our tour guide!!!!

janjan and kailyn!

kailyn at Catfish Parlor...she was loving the atmosphere!

Kelsey playing on JanJans piano...Tarrah you would have been proud:))))

Pop, JanJan and the girls....

Me and Kailyn...Kelsey took this picture:))))

kailyn and kelsey swinging...they loved this swing...
Hey Stacy:)
What a fun trip!! You and your girls are so beautiful:):) Hope yall are doing well!! Blessings!!
Looks like you all had such a blast!
Love it! :) Remember to ask me something I wanted to tell you about this which may not be appropriate to comment ;)I will be happy to teach Kailyn to play piano one day!
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