I know, I know...most people do just want to see pictures but i like to post what is "truely" going on in our lives...if anyone cares to read that is:))) ok so this is just so funny to me w/ how God truely works...everything that Janson and i have been talking about has been completly coming to life in this study we are doing...last night we read on "Gods purpose for oneness" and wow!!! we have been contemplating what God wants as to "our family" and not having a mediocre marriage but one full of truth and depth...soooo....pg 112 -113 from Staying Close...skipping around, being a English major yes i know this is not correct but...."One of the best ways to mirror God's image is through a line of godly descendants-our children-who will carry a reflection of His character to the next generation...Gods original plan called for the home to be a sort of greenhouse-a nurturing center where children grow up to learn character, values, and integrity. Psalm 78 insturcts parents to teach their children to carry the message of who God is to the next generation, and through these lines of godly descendants, Satan's kingdom would be defeated...Today, however, I observe one big problem with many Christian couples regarding childbearing and child rearing: They conform more to the world's standards than to God's"...ok so not saying lets go and produce, produce and that we are trying but funny how God gave us this to read at this particular time...and just how we do worry about money, etc rather than Gods plan for us...or maybe that is just Janson and i and not the rest of the world:)...
also we thought this was good...we have been contemplating starting kelsey in soccer or ballet or something...why?? b/c aren't we suppose to??isn't that being a good parent??? starting your kids in "stuff"....
"As you plan your families, be very carful to get your orders from God and not from the world- the secular system in which we live. Another problem I ovserve today in many couples is that they are not raising their children w/ a sense of mission and direction. They aren't imparting to them the importance of leaving a legacy of changed lives. Most parents do have some type of plan for their children; the problem is it doesnt' go far enough. Usually parents plan education, activities, type of person they want them to marry but on the spiritual side, it doesn't go much further than making sure they live a good life and recieve Christ. If our children do not gain a sense of "mission" as they grow up, they may slide into the pews as adults to live their entire lives w/ out experiencing the privilege of God using them in a significant way."
no, i am not saying that i am not going to put my kids in activities ect...but funny how i do so easily get carried away w/ what i am "suppose" to do or what the "world" says....we just want so badly to raise our kids according to Gods will and no one ever said how hard this was going to be...guess this is how Christ keeps us close to him!!! this is GRACE!
no, i am not saying that i am not going to put my kids in activities ect...but funny how i do so easily get carried away w/ what i am "suppose" to do or what the "world" says....we just want so badly to raise our kids according to Gods will and no one ever said how hard this was going to be...guess this is how Christ keeps us close to him!!! this is GRACE!
one more thing...love this on pg 117...."you cannot kill time w/out injuring eterntiy. In the same way, you can't have a mediocre marriage w/ out poorly reflection n God's Character....so yes it is work but isn't it all worth it:)
and yes for a few pictures....from the holidays!!! kelsey got her first soccer ball!!! we will see about that...back to starting her in soccer....not sure if she would actually where the uniform, anyway:))) haha!
I ran across your blog, and wanted to say hello. I am married to Heath Watts, who went to school with Jantzen. I think we met once. Your girls are beautiful.
hey cool... love you guys. everytime sydney sees a picture of your family, she immediately says 'kelsey' clear as a bell. we really need to get them together soon!
Good for Janson! Tell him to look into the program at ACU. It is completely online, and they give a 50% discount if you are in an education field while you do it.
Heath kind of fell into the school, and now I am so glad that he did. He had thought about it a little, and the right doors opened so he went for it. He probably spent 3-4 hours on the weekends, and maybe an hour a night, when he had the time. It is very self paced. I don't think Heath is ready to get out of coaching, although Jr. High coaching is not his dream job, he wanted it to fall back on.
It is great to be able to keep in touch with you guys. I told Heath about finding your blog, and he was so excited to read about your family, and see the little ones.
Hey Stacy, I happened upon your blog from a girl in a moms group that I joined a while back...what a small world!! Your girls are adorable!!! Tell Janson hello.
Shana Pennington Crawford
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