Friday, January 30, 2009

so proud...

here is a glimpse of what makes jansons long hours ALL WORTH it....these kind of letters, phone calls and hugs from kids make me so proud of him and what he does...
this is a letter/paper that janson got yesterday from one of his kids...

In reminiscence of my past four years, I have run numerous sprints extending my steps as far and as fast as my body will allow me. Build ups, lifting weights, and the dreaded long distance runs became in essence the preparation of my fierce track competitions. Drenched in sweat, I've engaged myself in long repetitive routines, not because I enjoy the pain, but because of the inspiration I've received by an exceptional man, Coach Head. This vibrant educator has genuine dedication intended for his students and players as the track coach of Billy Ryan High School. Coach Head works around the clock and hovers over our grades like a hawk in order to ensure our academic achievements. Selective with his words, Coach Head inspires us to reach beyond our former mental limits.
When my feet weigh a ton and I find myself gasping for air, Coach Head is there to ensure that quitting is never an option. He stops dead on its tracks any lingering ideas of failure.
I hold my greatest esteem for Coach Head in the way he structures our priorities. This man never lets us forget that we are students who run track, not track runners that happen to go to school. Therefore, the discipline he instills in us bleeds from our studies and onto the track.
I want people to never give up, to know that hard work pays off, and to pursue their potential. I want to see poeple competing, pursuing excellence, and staying out of trouble. These were things that Coach Head taught me. Because of his inspiration, I want to follow in his foot steps and become a track coach.


Unknown said...

That is really sweet! What an amazing ministry you guys have with the students Janson coaches!!

campers said...

that is awesome!

Pioneering In India said...

What a testimony of the impact teachers can make in our childrens lives!! Thanks for the awesome example Janson!!!!

so whether you eat or drink or Whatever you do, do it ALL for the glory of God.

Angi said...

That's too much! Wow!

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