Thursday, October 8, 2009

Loving Thursdays:))

My mom and I got this in Canton...we got it for the baby to wear w/ the new little crocheted hats and hair bands but kailyn could not resist!!! she wanted it in HER hair....pretty cute, i have to say!
miss kailyn paige
nothing like a little PBS kids before MDO
ok so since life w/ a kindergartener began, I feel like a full time taxi cab service... i drive kelsey to school, then twice a week kailyn has speech for an hour, the other 2 days she has mdo, then back to get days fly! Well...THURSDAYS Janson does not have to be in as early so he takes kelsey to school, donuts w/ dad as kelsey says! I get extra time w/ kailyn and we take our time!!! it is wonderful!!!
So i finally finished Shattered Dreams...I am actually really sad about it b/c it was SO GOOD!! God showed me so much through this book about life, truth and love/grace in hard times!!! So my next book....Parenting From Surviving to Thriving by Charles Swindoll!!!! It has been on my heart to read something w/ parenting...A few months ago I read The Strong-Willed Child which was really good to read for any parent of any child:) Janson and I are def. feeling the coviction and weight of soon to be 3 precious little blessings and the job ahead in raising them...janson has been cracking me up b/c he is not a reader and he is even getting on the bandwagon w/ a book about Fathers and Daughters:))) Not that there is a right way to raise children but we are sure praying for the tools to guide, lead and walk w/ our girls through lifes challenges and difficulties...anyways life at the Head Household has been very busy...janson has been w/ us in spirit but NOT physically...we calculated that he is only eating one meal w/ us a week right now...sat. night...crazyness...I know that God desires me to lean on him and makes me 100% aware of this during season...I am thankful for His Grace and Goodness however it is suchhhhh a struggle! My heart desires family, family time, a husband/father and right now I feel very isolated and alone...but I am not! and that IS the "good news"!!!!!

1 comment:

Calista said...

I just wanted to lift you up in prayer and remind you that you are an amazing mother, wife and friend. I know it's hard not having Janson there and I can't imagine the longs days you have every week. But we all have to remember that God doesn't give us more than we can handle and he must think that you can handle all of this or he wouldn't of blessed you with 3 wonderful girls. Hang in there, enjoy all the moments you get with your girls and remember all of this goes by so fast in the end. It was great seeing you the other day and please let me if you ever need anything. Chaz will be gone some on business so we should have some sleepovers. Love you sweet friend.

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